14 July 2009

How and Where To Start - Nintendo DS Downloads

How and Where To Start - Nintendo DS Downloads

Reviewed by Bram P

There are gamers in the world that don't have enough games, people with a Nintendo DS that aren't entertained enough by the games they have. What is the obvious solution to solve this problem? The internet! DS owners have the ability now to download Nintendo DS games online! And all you need is an SD card to transfer the download to you DS console! This is great news! This is absolutely awesome for all DS gamers around the world! But there's a catch.

Many people get Nintendo DS game downloads from torrent or P2P sites. These sites usually have working games but the potential death to your computer via spyware, adware, and viruses is enormous. The slow download speed is so frustrating, and it is even more frustrating if you finally completed downloading a game and have to find out that it does not work and in addition you have to find out that your computer is now infected by a virus. Not only are you subject to viruses when downloading from these sites, but if your computer is not the most amazing piece of machinery on the planet, the dowloading process will probably make you computer slow to crawl if it doesn't freeze it in place.

Another alternative is download DS games from free game sites all over the internet. So, why is not? You have a plethora of sites to choose from and it’s free! The only problem is these sites rarely, and I mean RARELY have working games. I am a proud owner of a DS and I have to admit that every single free DS download site I went to in the past has been an absolute waste of time. The fact that these games don't worka is made exponentially more frustrating by the sluggish download times. And in addition to all of the bad things listed above, you also have to worry about adware, spyware, malware, and viruses. All in all, these free game sites are usually a waste.

But have hope! There is one place you can go ! I would recommend very highly to joining a DS download membership site such as PocketDownloadCenter. DS membership site will charge you a smal onetime fee, however, it is nothing compared to the benefits you will get. Memberships sites for Nintendo DS game dowloads have faster download times, actual working games, and spyware, adware, and virus blockers. They do all they can to protect your computer and make the whole downloading process as easy as possible and give you unlimited DS games.

Other post you may be interested in reading: Xbox Pro 360 and Plasma television.


blogger said...

This is my favourite game,your blog is awesome dude..

Bram said...

Thanks dude, I'm still working on it.